Illustration of two PSG Cracked staff

Who are we?

Welcome to PSG Cracked, your ultimate destination for acing the McKinsey Problem-Solving Game (PSG). We are a team of two young and ambitious professionals, just like you, who understand the significance of securing a job at McKinsey. Our mission is to help you increase your chances of getting invited for an interview at McKinsey by offering an innovative digital tool that solves the McKinsey PSG assessment for you.

Illustration of Ecosystem Building representing our solution

Why have we built an Ecosystem Excel Solver?

As former applicants ourselves, we understand the stress and pressure that come with the McKinsey recruitment process. That's why we built a tool that saves you time and enhances your performance. After countless attempts, we developed a tool that's now available to you, exclusively on our website.

Illustration of successful Imbellus process

Are you ready?

At PSG Cracked, we're committed to helping you achieve your career goals. Our digital tool has helped over 340 McKinsey applicants gain an edge in the competitive job market. Try it out for yourself to not miss out on an opportunity to join the #1 most prestigious consultancy firm in the world.